“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this herder from the completion of his appointed rounds” … adapted from USPS. Ron Fay, who with his wife Ann, created the Rising Meadow Farm in Randolph, County, NC over 20 years ago and donated a conservation easement to the Piedmont Land Conservancy to prohibit forever the building of a big box store on their farm. They did all of this because it was “the right thing to do.”
“We are proud of the quality of our wool, of our meat, and of our farm, ” they will quickly tell you. “It all starts with the way that we take care of their animals.”
Taking care of their animals “well” is obvious. Their shearing day was only days before temperatures plummeted into the single digits. The best hay available and improved shelter with piped in classical music would make any human jealous of Ron and Ann’s compassion, respect, and care of their farm life of cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, guineas, llamas, and alpacas.