“Man, that is some fine sh..!”

In my photography practice, I attempt to celebrate what is right with the world.  This post is no exception.

Against the Grain Farm is USDA certified organic.  One of the provisions of certified credentialing is that farming organic inputs cannot contain hormones or contraband chemicals.  The process is very much like anti-doping standards established for competing athletes. There is a long list of banned products.

One of the best accelerating starters for compost piles is manure, the fresher the better.  The challenge of compost managers for organic farms is finding cow, horse, or manure that does not contain banned substances.

At Against the Grain, uncontaminated manure comes from their resident goat herd and their new select stock of Scottish Highland Cattle.

“M” Mueller, the “compost meister” at Against the Grain, has an unmistakable countenance of joy and glean in his eye from a capture that is less than five minutes old.