My teacher gave me C-grades for citizenship in elementary school.
This young cast were naturals.

My teacher gave me C-grades for citizenship in elementary school.

I always thought I was a pretty nice kid except for a defect which plagued me into adulthood.  I learned almost too late how powerful an effect (for good or bad) body language had on others.  My mother would often tell me my face would one day freeze in a scowl and I would be ugly for the rest of my life. K.B. and I attended a community theater (Calhoun Players) last week in the…

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The Thanksgiving Turkey: A Centerpiece for Against the Grain Farm
Derek Weiss - Against the Grain Farm Turkey Specialist

The Thanksgiving Turkey: A Centerpiece for Against the Grain Farm

  Holly Whitesides and Andy Bryant are ardent practitioners of regenerative agriculture - a farming approach that increases biological activity to produce abundant yields while stewarding the Earth.  How come turkeys? Their first thoughts about raising turkeys did not stem from an altruist motive of “wouldn’t it be nice” but a conscious awareness of how turkeys can contribute to the health of the farm.  Turkey’s scratch, they poop, they eat grass, they poop more, and anticipate…

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