Our favorite restaurant in western North Carolina …


Our favorite place to eat is Houck’s kitchen, and for our house guests in Winston-Salem that have had the experience … they universally agree.  I love to cook; it satisfies my creative need … plus, there is no greater compliment to pay anyone than to prepare a meal for them.  We are told often by our dinner guests who have told others… “if you ever get an invitation to eat at their place, you better take them up on it before it will be along while before you make the list to get invited back!”

But we do eat out … occasionally … most often when we are traveling. Our criteria for returning is the answer to a question …”can I do better on this entree than they have?”

One venue which I can not touch is “The Corner Kitchen” in Asheville, at the corner of All Souls Crescent and Boston Way in Biltmore Village.  Our senses are always enhanced by watching the magic of the preparation, anticipating the flavorful meal, hearing the orderly banter of the chefs as they bring orders online, and enjoying the always friendly and congenial staff.  The trouble is, there are only four seats that give you the complete experience  … the four seats at front counter.

They do accept reservations …. see you there …  at the kitchen counter!